MONTREAL—WestGroupe, a family-operated optical company headquartered here, has announced a donation of $15,000 (CAD) and ongoing partnership to support the efforts of the Waterloo Eye Institute (WEI). A state-of-the-art facility supporting advances in vision research, optometric education and patient care, WEI aims to revolutionize eye and vision care, clinical education and research at the University of Waterloo’s School of Optometry & Vision Science. The donation from WestGroupe, which highlights its stated commitment to advancing eyecare and promoting accessibility to vision services across Canada, will support the development of 68,000 square feet of new and renovated space to enhance patient care, expand research facilities and improve accessibility for patients onsite and, through the new Teleoptometry Centre, in remote and underserved areas, the announcement said.

"We are thrilled to support the groundbreaking work of the Waterloo Eye Institute," said Michael Suliteanu, president of WestGroupe. "At WestGroupe, we believe in the power of innovation and accessibility in eyecare. By contributing to the Waterloo Eye Institute, we are investing in a brighter future for patients across Canada."

WEI is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of optometrists, and, through its clinical education and training programs, it encourages innovation and equips aspiring optometrists with the skills and knowledge needed to provide best-practice eye and vision care to all, the announcement stated. The company noted that the $15,000 donation will help to support WEI’s mission, and underscores WestGroupe's commitment to making a meaningful impact in the field of eyecare, while aligning with its core values of innovation, excellence and accessibility.

“WEI will be a national resource for our profession. It will offer us a chance to train and collaborate with optometrists from around the world as well as help us reach underserved and marginalized communities that are often at greatest risk of vision problems,” said Dr. Stanley Woo, director of the School. “We are truly grateful for the partnership we have developed with WestGroupe, which will help us achieve our ambitious vision to create the WEI.”

For more information about WestGroupe, click here. For more information about WEI, click here.