What do eye problems look like? The "three O's" know, but your patients are likely not as savvy when it comes to detecting the subtle but tell-tale signs of certain eye conditions that may be affecting their sight or that of their loved ones.

In this Slideshow: What Eye Problems Look Like by WebMD, problems with vision are explained and paired with images depicting both the viewer's experience with and anatomy behind common eye conditions such as blurred vision, spots and glare at night. Each slide explains causes, corrections and signs of these eye conditions and even includes a few quick "eye tests" (such as a color blindness test simulation—don't worry, no online eye exams here) familiarizing viewers with certain conditions, from common annoyances like floaters to more serious conditions like cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.

The slideshow, created for the Eye Health Center at WebMD.com and reviewed by Alan Kozarsky, MD, a leading corneal, cataract, and vision correction specialist based in Atlanta, Ga., is a must-see for your patients and community.