The obsession with learning about and understanding Millennials has produced countless studies, seminars and articles. As a Millennial, sometimes I think “But why? Are we really that interesting?” and other times I definitely understand the industry wanting to know how to market to us. After all, we do make up a large portion of society and are beginning to infiltrate the workplace.

I appreciate the fact that the Vision Monday team is so generationally diverse. Before working here, one of the things I wanted out of a job environment was mentorship. I worked and interned in environments dominated by Millennials and borderline Gen Xers, and while it was hip and cool, there was something missing from my experience. My superiors were not that far ahead of me when it came to their careers. While they could offer some sliver of insight, their points-of-view were not that different from mine.

Fast forward to now. I have it all. I work alongside Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials, and I’ve come to realize that the ominous generation gap everyone is trying to close isn’t a bad thing. Yes, at times there are stark differences in the way we each respond to situations based solely on what generational slot we fall into, but if anything, it has enhanced instead of hindered our team.

We’ve got old school journalists who know the craft as well as up and comers who approach work from a fresh of perspective. I revel in getting to learn the “old ways” from my colleagues and mixing it up with my own work methods, and I enjoy when I can be a resource to them as well. We all have a special set of skills and when combined, we can navigate the gap together instead of trying to close it completely.

I still have so much to learn, so while everyone is busy studying me, I’m sitting back and studying you. n