ATLANTA—The Centers for Disease Control, in close collaboration with its partners, has organized Contact Lens Health Week beginning today (Aug. 20) as a strategy to increase public awareness and promote healthy contact lens wear and care. The weeklong period, Aug. 20-24, marks the fifth annual Contact Lens Health Week, according to a CDC announcement. This year’s campaign theme is “Healthy habits mean healthy eyes” with a focus on encouraging all contact lens wearers to practice healthy habits now, for healthy eyes later, according to the CDC announcement.

Increased awareness about the importance of proper contact lens hygiene can encourage contact lens wearers to adopt healthy habits that can reduce their chances of getting an eye infection.

The CDC noted that this year’s health messages cover three key areas:

• Healthy contact lens hygiene habits
• Proper use, care, and storage of contact lenses and supplies
• Regular visits to an eye care provider

In addition, the CDC notes that it has developed a number of tools and materials to help promote Contact Lens Health Week and healthy contact lens wear and care throughout the year. To view some of the resources, click here

The information and tools to promote Contact Lens Health Week include: general contact lens health promotion materials, videos, posters, tear-off pads, buttons and badges, infographics and podcasts, among other resources. CDC also coordinates contact lens health promotion efforts during Halloween, spring break and Healthy Vision Month (May).