Product: Vision Impact Institute Advocacy Toolkit 
Top Line: The Vision Impact Institute (VII) has launched a new advocacy toolkit. Hosted on its website, the toolkit serves as a platform to inspire learners, engage changemakers, and empower national leaders and policy officials to make the case for good vision in their countries and communities.
Close Up: Designed using advocacy materials developed by the VII, along with best-in-class tools and resources curated from other organizations, the advocacy toolkit is fundamental for those who are ready to actively engage in advocacy work but need additional guidance to grow and advance their plans.
The toolkit encompasses a broad range of advocacy topics. Specifically, users will find resources designed to meet their needs no matter where they are on the advocacy spectrum. Section topics include:
• Advocacy Defined and Demonstrated—find reliable, targeted, and measured approaches to behavior and policy change
• Advocacy Basics and Fundamentals—understand the various advocacy approaches, as well as the basics for policy change, grassroots advocacy, and lobbying
• Your Advocacy Why, How and What—define why and how you advocate for an issue
• Evidence Powers Change—learn how global and local evidence can ground your advocacy efforts
• Relationships Matter—identify and analyze the critical relationships that you need to build stronger partnerships and initiatives
• From Awareness to Action—uncover the best ways to make your voice heard and compel global and local audiences to act
• Evaluating Progress—learn why it’s important to check your goals and progress regularly
• Collective Action—access many of our partners’ tools and methods for success
“This toolkit reflects our longstanding advocacy efforts to encourage leaders and policymakers to take action and reduce the impact of poor vision globally,” said Kristan Gross, global executive director, Vision Impact Institute. “We hope that by sharing these resources that have been critical to our mission, more will take action to advocate for necessary changes and ensure the world sees well.”  
Vital Stats: Access the VII Advocacy Toolkit here.