ARLINGTON, Va.— The Vision Council has released a report about digital eye strain and workplace eye injuries titled, “Screens, Phones, Tablets and More: Keeping Your Eyes Safe in a Digital Age.” The report covers the growing trend toward digital eye strain resulting from people spending more and more time on digital devices, whether they are laptops, smartphones, computer tablets, etc. A 2012 survey by The Vision Council determined that 70 percent of the U.S. population experiences some form of digital eye strain, and only half of them are doing anything about it.

The 16-page report includes a list and descriptions of symptoms of digital eye strain as well as a breakdown of who is most at risk. Among those included are the Gamer, composed of 33 percent of men and 26 percent of women surveyed aged 18 to 34; the Stay-at-Home Mom, aged 25 to 39 who spends almost 11 hours per day consuming digital media; the Academic, composed of both men and women who use digital devices primarily for school; and the Career Climber, both men and women aged 35 to 54 who spend more than six hours a day using computers, smartphones and tablets.

In addition to listing both specific symptoms along with solutions for all of these groups, the report also provides instructions for how to prevent digital eye strain in the first place. For example, a page on “Eye-gonomics 101” illustrates the proper way to position yourself in front of a desktop computer as well as how to optimize viewing a hand-held device. The report concludes, “Take breaks, move away from the screen, and limit the amount of competing light. Increase your comfort with eyewear specifically designed for computer use. Special lenses help to lessen eye strain, allowing eyes—and you—to focus on the task at hand.”