On Google Glass: “It didn’t feel sturdy. It didn’t work with many pairs of glasses. It also looked kind of dorky. These were all problems, but then again, fantastic new technologies can often get by any or all of them just by sheer awesomeness.”
– Lawrence Bonk, tech writer

“If we are trying to get information to you in an easier way, it will be focused around your eyes and ears—it can be glasses, it can be lenses.”
– Soulaiman Itani, Atheer founder and CEO

“Gartner predicts that by 2016 we will see around 100 million wearable devices sold and some estimates see this number being much higher.”
– Jacob Morgan, futurist, author and speaker

“The time may soon come when wearable devices will be as integral to our lives as smartphones are today, sitting innocuously on our persons as unobtrusive as jewelry or clothing, yet infinitely more valuable to our businesses.”
– Lindsey Irvine, global director, business development at Salesforce

“There is some opinion in the wearable tech industry that something modular like the SmartEyeglass Attach! might be able to build on the momentum that Google Glass gathered (and failed to take advantage of, it seems).”
– John Hoff, writer for the Android Community