In an exclusive Vision Monday video interview, Gunter Schneider (l) and Kurt Atchison of ophthalmic lens processing equipment maker, Schneider, discuss the company's new Modulo One technology platform. |
MARBURG, Germany—Digicon, the conference sponsored by ophthalmic lens processing equipment maker Schneider, held here in late June, 2022, served as a springboard for launching Modulo One, the first fully automated platform for fabricating and processing ophthalmic lenses. Now, in an exclusive video interview with VMAIL, Schneider executives offer an in-depth discussion about what this major milestone means for Schneider and how the technology will benefit its customers. Able to operate without human touch, Modulo One consists of 11 new machines and processes that Schneider has released sequentially over the past 11 months, making it the most extensive launch in the company’s 35-year history.
Among the innovations being introduced with Modulo One is a high-speed surface generator with an added performance of 50 percent, a fully automated cosmetic inspection unit and in-line hard coating and AR coating system. Schneider management touts it as, “The Power-Lab of the Next Decade.”
During two-days of presentations and demonstrations at the new Lokschuppen Marburg conference and events space here and at Schneider’s headquarters in nearby Fronhausen, company executives and engineers offered a comprehensive analysis of Modulo One’s capabilities to an international group of about 120 optical laboratory owners and operators. Vision Monday was on hand to ask company founder and CEO, Gunter Schneider—who is also the visionary behind Lokschuppen Marburg—and Kurt Atchison, who heads Schneider’s North America business unit, to trace the evolution of Modulo One and explain how its innovative technologies bring a new level of speed and efficiency to ophthalmic lens production. Watch the exclusive interview with VM’s lens and technology editor, Andrew Karp, in this new episode of “VM Conversations.”