Among the myriad effects of COVID-19 is potential impact on the birthrate. While it’s too soon to make solid predictions, new research indicates there could be a Baby Bust coming.

“There will be potentially 500,000 fewer babies as a result of COVID-19,” according to a June, 2020 Mintel survey, which also found that 14 percent of moms under 45 are rethinking having additional children because of COVID-19. In addition, 64 percent of moms are worried about risk of exposure to COVID-19, which is higher than the general population (59 percent, as of August, 2020).

As Stella Rising blogger Elizabeth Timmis McHugh recently wrote, “The pandemic will pause baby plans for many; the age of first-time moms has been increasing for years and COVID-19 will exacerbate that trend. Current moms are looking for ways to make life easier; the brands that offer solutions—and with budget-conscious products and services—will succeed with this all-important demographic.”

McHugh also noted that current moms are balancing more than ever—and have new worries—but remain joyful in their role as moms. “Moms today wish to be more fun, flexible, and easy going than their moms were—are less concerned with ‘having it all together.’ This attitude will be highly helpful during such a stressful time. For their part, brands should focus on making moms’ lives easier, while empathizing with moms who feel at once happy and overwhelmed.”