Dispensary: Measurement and Try-on ABS to Debut Smart Stand for Smart Mirror Mobile App By Staff Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:15 AM More Images Product: Smart Stand for ABS Smart Mirror Mobile App Top Line: Next week at International Vision Expo East, ABS is launching two new iPad Stands, a desktop model and a freestanding model. Close Up: The new “Smart Stand” from ABS allow optimum use of the ABS Smart Mirror Mobile App. Slim, space-saving modern design, the 360-degree rotating stand is also height adjustable to elevate the iPad camera to the customer’s eye level to avoid parallax error. Vital Stats: The Smart Stand gives added stability and frees up the dispenser’s hands so they can easily readjust a customer’s frames and posture before taking pictures. ipad@opticvideo.com; (888) 989-4227