Dispensary: Measurement and Try-on AIT Introduces Portable Measurement System By Staff Thursday, March 7, 2013 12:21 AM Product: visuReal Top Line: visuReal is a portable measurement system combining a specialized optical system designed to mount on an iPad with a powerful software package that can determine all required centration values including PD, fitting heights, boxing dimensions, head rotation, inclination and vertex distance in seconds. Close Up: The visuReal system takes the following measurements: pupillary distancevertex distancefitting heightsboxing dimensionshead rotationinclinationVital Stats: The system takes photos and movies of customers with high prescriptions that cannot see themselves wearing trial lenses; uploads photos and videos to the cloud for viewing by friends and relatives; uses cloud computing to instantly compute measurements; can easily e-mail or store measurement data online. www.aitindustries.com; (800) 729-1959