Dispensary: Measurement and Try-on Shamir Releases New Digital Measurement Device: SPARK By Staff Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:21 AM Product: Shamir SPARK Top Line: Shamir Insight is releasing its newest digital measurement device, Shamir SPARK (Single-shot Panorameter Augmented Reality Kit). This new 3D measuring tool utilizes the iPad camera and automatically calculates all frame measurements based on one picture. Close Up: SPARK is replacing Shamir’s previous Panorameter Kit, which was a manual measurement tool that took the following As-Worn measurements: Panoramic Angle, Pantoscopic Tilt, and Vertex Distance. This new device takes all these measurements as well as the fitting height, mono PD, HBOX, VBOX and DBL with one picture. These As-Worn measurements are necessary to customize several of Shamir’s Freeform products to offer patients a more precise fit. The following Shamir products require As-Worn measurements: Shamir’s newest product, Autograph III, Autograph II, Autograph II — Attitude, Autograph II — Office, Golf, Autograph II — Single Vision, Autograph II — Single Vision Attitude, and Golf — Single Vision. Vital Stats: Shamir’s SPARK device fits over an iPad and requires that users download Shamir’s App onto their iPad. www.shamirlens.com; (877) 514-8330