April is Stress Awareness Month, an annual designation that’s been observed since 1992. It’s a time when many health care professionals increase public awareness about the causes of stress and ways stress can be treated or reduced. Stress can lead to emotional and physical problems such as depression, panic attacks, high blood pressure, arthritis and skin conditions. It can also lead to many stress-related eye issues like blurry vision, watery or dry eyes, eye twitching, dizziness and eye strain.

With the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) changing the way in which many people live their lives and increasing stress levels worldwide, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention came up with a list of tips to help cope with or manage stress:

Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting.

Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and avoid alcohol and drugs.

Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy.

Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.

Work-Fit, a nationwide leader of applying sports medicine techniques in the workplace to prevent injuries, released this infographic with tips on how people can manage their stress levels by using their five senses.