As David Huang, MD, PhD, celebrates the 30th birthday of the technological brainchild he helped create—optical coherence tomography—he’s also pleased with the progress of its 6-year-old sibling, OCT angiography, which is coming of age in retinal care and blazing a trail of baby steps in the glaucoma space. “It’s intriguing,” says Dr. Huang, a professor of ophthalmology at the Oregon Health & Sciences University in Portland. Also a professor of biomedical engineering at the OHSU School of Medicine, Dr. Huang pauses before reflecting further on the potential for helping his colleagues use this emerging erythrocyte-counting scanning modality to diagnose glaucoma and monitor progression. “We still have a fair amount of progress to make on this, but it’s already giving us meaningful new parameters to observe and measure for our glaucoma patients.” Read More