MILAN—Applications are now being accepted by Mido for consideration for the international eyewear and optics exhibition's 2022 BeStore Awards, which seeks to recognize leaders in optical retail, culled from submissions around the world. Awards are bestowed for BeStore Design and BeStore Innovation. Organizers said, "Working toward excellence is a driving force that starts from the individual and involves all the supply chain/BeStore Award represents this impulse and returns again this year to highlight optical centers able to stand out for Design or Innovation. If you work toward excellence too this is your chance: apply for being elected the best optical center in 2022."

Optical centers and professionals are invited to apply to BeStore Design or BeStore innovation, by filling out the form and uploading files to complete the applications. 

BeStore Design emphasizes how the store looks and feels, and how layout, materials, design, furniture and general atmosphere contribute to create a unique shopping experience. BeStore Innovation considers all aspects pertaining to the relationship with the customers and with the suppliers, customer interaction and engagement, digital communication,  the particular story of the store, in its professional, human and emotional aspects.
Applications are found here.  An international jury of industry managers, visual merchandisers, designers and design experts will choose the best store in each category.

The 2021 BeStore winners are highlighted here.

Mido is planning its return to a live event at the Rho-Pero convention center this Feb. 12-14, 2022.Visitor registration and other details are posted on the Mido site here.