Most Americans say they’re being asked to tip service workers more frequently than in the past, according to a recent PEW Research Center survey of nearly 12,000 U.S. adults. Around 7 in 10 U.S. adults (72 percent) said tipping is expected in more places today than it was five years ago, a finding that has even been dubbed “tipflation” by some.

But even as Americans said they’re being asked to tip more often, relatively few have a great deal of confidence about when and how to do so. Only about a third said it’s extremely or very easy to know whether (34 percent) or how much (33 percent) to tip for different types of services.

Nor is there consensus on whether tipping is more of a choice or an obligation for consumers. According to the survey, around 2 in 10 Americans said it’s more of a choice, while 29 percent said it’s more of an obligation. Nearly half (49 percent) said it depends on the situation, underscoring the lack of a single set of rules or expectations.

The survey also found that more Americans oppose (40 percent) than favor (24 percent ) businesses suggesting tip amounts to their customers. Another 32 percent neither favor nor oppose the practice. Similarly, about 7 in 10 adults (72 percent) said they oppose businesses including automatic service charges or tips on customers’ bills, regardless of group size. Only 10 percent favor such charges.

About 9 in10 adults who eat at sit-down restaurants (92 percent) said they always or often leave a tip in this scenario. Among those using other services, smaller majorities tip when getting a haircut (78 percent), having food delivered (76 percent), buying a drink at a bar (70 percent) or using a taxi or rideshare service (61 percent).

Relatively few Americans always or often tip when buying a coffee (25 percent) or eating at a fast casual restaurant (12 percent).

Furthermore, a majority of Americans said they would tip 15 percent or less for an average meal at a sit-down restaurant. Also, for most people, tipping is first and foremost about service. Around three-quarters of adults (77 percent) said the quality of the service they receive is a major factor in deciding whether and how much to tip.