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Dhaval Desai, MD, was teaching his 4-year-old to ride a bike after another exhausting shift at the hospital during the summer after the first COVID-19 surge. He was putting on a happy face and forcing out a "Yay!" he did not feel. The pandemic had taken its toll, and he just wanted to lie down and be alone. Realizing that he was "scraping to find joy" was when he knew something was wrong.

"I was giving, giving, giving at work a lot, and I had little left to give at home," said Desai, director of hospital medicine at Emory Saint Joseph's Hospital and an assistant professor of medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

At work, he worried about his wife managing two kids—including a newborn—during the pandemic. At home, he stressed about work and the crush of patients with COVID the hospital was grappling to handle. He was exhausted, resentful, and angry, and it was jeopardizing what mattered most to him: His home life.

"It was all colliding…I realized, OK, I'm struggling," he said. Head over to Medscape to read the full story.