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Maria Maio wasn't the only person in her workplace battling COVID-19 in early December 2023. But while everyone else she knows got better, she got long COVID.

A celebrity makeup artist, the 55-year-old New Yorker had been boosted and vaccinated at every opportunity since vaccines were approved at the end of 2020, until the fall of 2023, when she skipped the shot.

"I really started subscribing to the mindset that you have an immune system and your immune system is supposed to work for you," she said. "That was the stupidest thing I've ever done."

Maio was not the only person to skip the latest booster: A recent study reported that while nearly 80% of adults in the United States said they'd received their first series of vaccines, barely 20% were up to date on boosters. Nor was Maio alone in getting long COVID 4 years after the start of the deadliest pandemic in a century.

It's tempting, this far out from the shutdowns of 2020, to think the virus is over, that we're immune, and nobody's going to get sick anymore. But while fewer people are getting COVID, it is still very much a part of our lives. And as Maio and others are learning the hard way, long COVID is, too — and it can be deadly.

Head over to Medscape to read the full story.