How ECPs Can Advise Patients on Recycling Contact Lenses
To help bolster awareness around proper contact lens disposal, the AOA's Contact Lens and Cornea Section (CLCS) developed a resource to help doctors educate their patients. Here are three tips: 1. Inform patients about recycling programs available for contact lenses and packaging, including, or consider turning your practice into a recycling drop-off site. 2. Although most contact lens packages are stamped No. 5 for recycling, according to Terracycle, the size is what causes them to either contaminate other recyclable materials or be diverted to landfills. In fact, The Association of Plastic Recyclers confirms this fact, stating that the industry standard screen size, which identifies and removes unrecyclable plastics, filters out materials that measure less than three inches in diameter. Meaning standard recycling facilities are unable to process these small items. 3. Remind patients that boxes and cleaning solution bottles may be recyclable, too. Click here to access the AOA CLCS Proper Contact Lens Disposal fact sheet and click here to download an infographic for patient education.