Outgoing board member and active Vision Council contributor, David Beach (l) of National Optronics, who recently retired, was given a special presentation for his service and dedication to the group by Satisloh’s Larry Clarke, who assumed the past-president’s post at this year’s executive meeting.
RANCHO BERNARDO, Calif.—During its annual Executive Summit meeting here, The Vision Council confirmed its new slate of officers for 2009.

Mike Daley, Essilor, was elected chairman of The Vision Council for a two-year term. Jamie Shyer, Zyloware, was elected vice-chairman. Doug Hepper, Vision-Ease, was voted secretary/treasurer and Larry Clarke, Satisloh, will now serve as immediate past-chair.

Also voted in for second term renewals on The Vision Council’s board of directors were: Pierre Fay, Luxottica; Don Howard, Kenmark Group, and Dick Russo, Sàfilo USA.

Executives from The Vision Council’s member companies along with invited guests from other industry organizations gathered here at this resort in the San Diego area for two days of division and committee meetings and networking sessions. They also gained insights from two outside speakers. Well-known business expert, author and strategist, Michael Treacy, delivered a thought-provoking presentation about growing the market in a tough economy and ever-changing industry. Economist Jeff Thredgold discussed the current state of the economy, financial markets, government and a sneak preview of his view of the future business environment.

View a slide show of the Vision Council’s Annual Meeting.