NEW YORK—A new study from and reported by insurance quoting platform QuickQuote found that 56 percent of Americans would insure their eyes if possible. The study surveyed 1,718 U.S. adults born between 1928 and 2003, and placed eyes at number two on the list of body parts Americans would most like to insure, preceded only by the heart which was chosen by 56.2 percent of responders. According to QuickQuote, several generations place a high priority on wanting their eyes insured; Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1980) wanted to insure their eyes the most, while Millennials and Generation Z chose the heart.

Following heart and eyes, the top 10 list of body parts Americans would like to insure includes legs, arms, lungs, liver, ears, mouth, pancreas and sexual organs. Nose came in as number 11.

Women and men were almost equally as likely to want to ensure their eyes: 54.4 percent of men and 57.3 percent of women.  QuickQuote pointed out that "body part insurance is a rare insurance policy that allows you to insure a specific body part, with coverages sometimes worth millions of dollars."
The full chart and findings are available through QuickQuote here.