(Click the image above to visit the RestoringVision.org Web site) 


To facilitate the delivery of reading glasses to developing countries so that poor near vision and lack of access are not barriers to productivity or lifestyle. To help deliver sunglasses to prevent eye disease where access is limited.


To those who may be going on a mission, or who may know someone who is going on a mission, RestoringVision.org is the brand that can get them readers and sunglasses and a turnkey fool-proof method for distributing them (for optical novices).

To provide nominally priced new readers and sunglasses to groups of charitable Samaritans who personally serve the vision needs of those throughout the world who otherwise would have no access.

To be the easiest way for reader and sun manufacturers to donate their excess inventories and positively change lives.



Program Results

Since its inception, RestoringVision.org has supplied over 950,000 glasses (reading glasses and sunglasses) to people in need around the world.

Get Involved

Donate new readers, sunglasses or funds. Refer missions going to developing countries to us.

Contact: mark@restori ngvision.org or visit the
RestoringVision.org Facebook page