(Click on the logo above to access the See Better to Learn Better Web site.)


Provide quality eyeglasses for all pupils of elementary and secondary public schools who have visual acuity problems.


Children are often taken out of school for poor performance, when in fact all they needed was vision correction. By helping provide the tools necessary, there develops a comprehensive development of school-age children and their socialization within school and family.


A representative study implemented by the Ministry of Education in 1997 showed that approximately 12.7 percent of school enrollment in public elementary and secondary suffering from visual acuity problems. On April 24, 1998 Private Trust established See Better to Do Better, a tool which ensures transparency in the management and use of donations from society.

Program Results

The partnership seeks to help families who can't afford high price exams and eyewear, and aims to resolve current learning difficulties related to vision problems in Mexican classrooms. In Mexican states like Morelos, Sonora and Chiapas, the percentage of kids who need corrective eyewear can be as high as 60-70 percent. Overall, the average classroom need in 11 percent.

The eyeglasses for the program have been designed by Yves Behar of the design firm fuseproject as part of Collecion Escolar 2010 and are provided by Augen Optics at cost. The optical company distributes approximately 200,000 free eyeglasses annually to public school children throughout the country. Total program costs including optometry services, laptop computers, eyeglasses and program management are paid for through donations to Ver Bien Para Aprender Mejor. State governments provide matching funds for eyeglasses and other program costs.

Children of participating schools are also given a general vision test by their teachers. If they have difficulty passing the test, they are scheduled for a formal eye examination from a licensed optometrist employed by the non-profit foundation.

Get Involved

Please visit the  Web site to get involved.