DUBLIN—The European Academy of Optometry and Optics (EAOO) has published the program and scheduled speakers for its next conference in Dublin, scheduled to take place from April 20 to 22, 2012. The event will bring together key decision-makers, influencers, educators, researchers and students from across Europe to discuss and share the latest research and best-practice relating to optics, optometry and vision sciences.

Professor Roger Crelier, president of the Academy said, “I am very excited about the program we have put together, the caliber of presenters and range of topics that will be covered at the event. I am confident that there will be something of interest here for everyone working in optometry and optics in Europe and beyond.”

In a bid to strengthen the organization’s international partnerships, the EAOO is hosting the welcome reception with the American Academy of Optometry (AAO), and the members’ annual gala dinner with the Association of Optometrists Ireland (AOI). 

Lois Schoenbrun, executive director of the AAO, said “The American Academy of Optometry is pleased to support this event. President Dr Karla Zadnik and president-elect Dr. Bernie Dolan will attend the conference and both are excited to plan future interactions between our Academies.”

Barry Lawler, AOI president said, “This international event is an exciting opportunity for Irish optometrists. Whereas we would normally have to travel abroad for such an experience, we have our international colleagues coming to us. As well as education, it provides a rare chance to meet with optometrists from many countries, have a chat, share experiences and make new friendships.”

Dublin 2012 will feature keynote lectures from Professor Pablo Artal (University of Murcia, Spain) on adaptive optics with a focus on new research; and Dr. Kathryn Saunders (University of Ulster, UK) on clinical practice in relation to pediatric care. More than 40 speakers from around the world will present at Dublin 2012, including: Professor Holger Dietze, Beuth Hochschule, Germany; Philip Fine, Hadassah Academic College, Israel; Dr. Annemieke Coops, Dutch Optometric Association, Netherlands; Dr. Marie Bodack, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre, U.S.; Professor Roger Kamen, Michigan College of Optometry, U.S.; and Dr. James Loughman, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland.

Certificates of attendance will be awarded to all delegates and may be used as evidence in local continuing professional development schemes (CPD/CET). The full program and booking details can be found at www.eaoo.info/dublin.