The increased amount of private equity investment in the optical space might seem like ‘new’ news, but it’s actually been a consistent escalation in the past 15 to 20 years.

Leading industry players on the supply side, larger retail groups and some distributors have made acquisitions, taken on investor partners or sought support via the public stock markets to expand, invest and grow.

VM’s been there and faithfully reported on it all as the complexion of the vision care business has changed and sales in the U.S. alone for all product sales and services have approached $40 billion.

It’s the pace and visibility of activities, though, especially on the provider side and on the group/alliance side, which is what’s given private equity a higher profile in the past several years, particularly those in the last 24 months.

Yes, there have been more deals. Consolidation and new investments raise the stakes and bring attention to the category from other players. Further, the interest in accessing capital – to expand the scope of products and systems, build new ones, achieve a competitive stance in digital technology – attracts the folks with capital to invest.

There are of course concurrent market trends and questions that independents are wrestling with as the more ‘traditional’ practice transitions are now accompanied by new options. Market forces like health care reform, managed care and the advent of online and digital are one group of factors. Students graduating into optometry today often face six-figures of debt from their education which poses a different set of questions about their practice choices than those faced by the two generations that preceded them.

In this same edition of VM as our PE Cover Story is another very compelling special report that you owe it to yourself to read and learn more about. “The Future of Optometry,” an insightful, fact-filled analysis that presents some important data in ways that take a straightforward look at new definitions of ‘supply’ and ‘demand’ and a fresh take on the opportunities for eyecare professionals. Produced by Jobson Optical Group, sponsored by Essilor, with insights from Mark Wright, OD, professional editor of our sister online site, Review of Optometric Business, with an assist from Richard Edlow, OD, EyeConomist, this is actually a great ‘companion’ to VM’s PE story.

We hope you’ll read, learn, talk and discuss what the data, dollars and dynamics could mean for vision care’s future.